Friday, September 10, 2010

18 months...

Mason is 18 months old, and such a boy! We went to his new doctor last week, and we loved her. Only had to wait about two minutes compared to the usual hour wait at his last doctor! He was in the 90th percentile in height and weight. He was 27.5 pounds, and he actually has lost 2 pounds since the move as he didn't eat well for a while. He was 34 inches.

At 18 months, Mason loves to wrestle, play outside,and airplanes. I need to count how many times a day I get sat on. He thinks that sitting on my head is the cue that he wants to wrestle. He still loves his books, and has figured out that the more stories he can get daddy to read him at night, the longer he gets to stay up. When we tell him it is time to go to bed, he says " story, please!" Hard to say no to that! He also says the word airplane countless times a day.

He is amazing us with what he knows. He knows all his colors, shapes, numbers, letters, and some sight words. He said his ABC's the other day all by himself and just forgot T. He is always shouting out letters he sees on a t-shirt, restaurant or in a book. I also think he says at least one new word every day.

He is in a size 7 shoe, size 5 diaper,and 2T clothes. He is growing up way too fast! These are a couple of pictures of Mason playing outside in Weslaco. His lawn mower blows bubbles and every couple of steps he stops and yells, "Bubbles!!"

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Vacuum, Potty, and Airplanes...

Vacuum,the potty, and airplanes are all words I hear countless times a day, and things Mason is obsessed with. I have no idea how he got started on the "Ba-dum" as he says, but he tries to play with it multiple times a day. He loves to flush the potty, and runs in the bathroom if we even head that way. And airplanes are his favorite! He hears them fly over the house we are staying in, and screams "airplane". We are going to try to find him an air show to take him to!

Mason also loves to make baskets. My mom and I took him to a WNBA game this weekend, and he loved it. He was so excited and clapping when every one else did. It was so cute! I wish I would have had my camera to take some pictures. Here are a couple of him making a basket at home.