Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I finally designed a banner I really like:-) Sorry it has been a while. It has been a busy last two weeks. I photographed a wedding last weekend, and it always seems like I don't take many pictures of the kids after a wedding. I actually haven't taken any recently.

My mom came up to help us with the kids while I photographed the wedding. Mason kept saying he wanted to go home with GiGi. I thought he would love the alone time with GiGi and all of the attention, and I was right. On Monday he woke up and said, " Today I am going to GiGi's house and I am going to go swimming with GiGi, take a nap with GiGi, and watch Mickey Mouse with GiGi!" He was excited to go, so he went and did all of those things having so much fun. He stayed with GiGi and PaPa from Monday to Wednesday and I drove down Wednesday night to get him. He was excited to see me, but the second he saw Micah I was quickly forgotten. I think he gave her kisses for 5 minutes. He had to make up two days of kisses while he was gone.

We came back Thursday, and then had a fun-filled weekend with the Hembrees and Pickens (our good friends from Burleson). It was such a great weekend, and we had a blast catching up and spending time together. Drew taught Mason how to climb the tree in the backyard and that is all he wants to do now. Barefoot as well:-)

I am going to take some pictures in the next couple of days. Micah is growing like crazy and so much more aware of her surroundings. She truly is the happiest baby ever!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

New Favorite...

I think this is my new favorite picture! Lots more to come from this fun session.
So I changed my mind. This one might be my new favorite.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Real Mess...

Mason loves to see pictures. The other day I was showing him pictures of him and Koen wrestling, and I had taken a picture of the playroom they destroyed in an hour. Mason looked at this picture and said, "Mom, that's a real mess!" (And he did say mom, not mommy!) I asked him who made this mess, and he said "Mason did!" and just started laughing. Mommy was laughing as well!

I posted this picture facebook, and said one day way too soon I will miss finding Mason books in my bed, fishing out his toys out of my bath tub, and a playroom that is messed up in an hour. They grow up way to fast! I am so thankful I get to be the mommy of our two precious children!

On a side note, I just figured out how to get all of the post from Mason's old blog to our new one. This really makes me so excited because I love to go back to see pictures of Mason when he was Micah's age. I have really missed having all of our post being on one site. For those of you just joining us, you can see Mason as an adorable baby boy:-)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

4th of July Weekend...

We had the best 4th of July weekend! I got a haircut, had some time alone to shop, a date night with my handsome husband, the chance to spend time with great friends, and a family day on the 4th. We spent the day together, grilled some hamburgers, and enjoyed a cold watermelon. This is Mason enjoying his watermelon, and trying spit out seeds like his daddy. He told us, "Don't eat the seeds. If you do you have to go the hospital and the doctor!" We tried to explain that that wasn't true, but he wouldn't believe us.

Mason and Koen...

How do boys know they are supposed to wrestle? Mason and Koen are so good at it:-)! Mason was so excited to see Koen as it had been about 3 weeks since they played together. Besides the fact Mason had timeout about 10 times in the two hours Koen was with us, they had a great time. Mason did everything from throw toys, to steal cars from Koen, as well as mess up his lines of cars. He had a little trouble listening to mommy! Mason loves his friend Koen! I look forward to watching them grow up together!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Play Time...

I was trying to take some pictures of Micah, and Mason while he was playing. Notice how many different toys are in Micah's face in the couple minutes it took to take these pictures. Mason always wants to be around her. Today he tried to feed her a fruit snack. Scared me to death as I thought she swallowed one. He said he was sharing with Micah.


Our sweet girl is growing too fast! She just might be the easiest baby ever! Blessed... I know! This precious girl is so laid back. She eats, sleeps, and can be put down anywhere. She sleeps 12 hours a night, and likes to put herself to sleep. She LOVES to smile. Anytime you say, "You're so pretty!" She just lights up. When Mason says it, it is so cute!

At her two month check up, she was in the 95% in weight at 12.14lbs. She was 50% in height at 23 inches. I love these chubby cheeks!

Catching up...

I have some picture posting catching up to do! The last couple of weeks have been busy, and I have been using most of my spare time editing a wedding. However, I am DONE! For two weeks at least, but until then I will enjoy editing pictures of my precious babies!

Mason amazes us everyday. His vocabulary is unbelievable and sometimes I think I am having a conversation with a 5 or 6 year old, and remember he is only 2.

The two things we hear all the time are, "What's that?" and "I want to do it myself!" He is very curious and wants to know what everything is. He is also becoming Mr.Independant wanting to do EVERYTHING by himself (even when he can't). He is also all about his daddy! Since we came back from the Valley, if Craig leaves the room he says, "Where is my dad at?" He doesn't want daddy to leave his sight. Here are some recent pictures of our Mason.