Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I have come to realize that what ever sickness Mason gets, Micah will only be a few days behind because he is always hugging on her and all over her. Our sweet girl has bronchitis, and got it much worse than Mason.  She was just miserable! The only good thing about a sick baby is that all she wanted is for me to hold her and rock her. I cherished every minute of it, wishing I could make her feel better. She is starting feel better, and no longer wants me to rock her.

Today I was getting ready to give her a bath when Mason started trying to teach her how to play with this toy (which is why is she only in her diaper). It was absolutely adorable. He wanted her to put them down in order, and would say "No Micah, start with 1." Then she would lose interest and Mason would try to help her. Very obvious that little girl wants no help. When she would put one down, Mason would just cheer and say, "Good job Micah!" We would clap and she would just smile. A smile we have missed the last couple of days! I think he has been waiting for this for seven months.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Sick, sick, and still sick....

It has been a rough week and a half in the Bellamy house. Two weeks ago, Micah broke out in hives, and long story short, we think she is allergic to shellfish. Then Thursday, Mason came home from preschool with a runny nose, and the rest is history. 4 doctors visits for 3 out of the 4 of us, 3 prescriptions for antibiotics, and still not a 100%. Seriously, the cold that would never go away which turns into an infection, and then a cough about 4 days later. My mom even got it, and she was just here one night:-(.

I guess I was the best out of all of us, meaning I am the only one that didn't have to go the doctor. Craig still has an ear infection, and Mason who has been well the last couple of days, just threw up all over Craig. We just want to be well! I haven't taken many pictures as I feel like we have been in survival mode, but I did get my camera out a couple of times.
 This is Micah's new funny face..she scrunches her nose and just laughs.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Sweet baby girl...

I have been meaning to post these all week, but somehow my week got away from me. I can't believe it is already Friday, and I don't think I have taken any pictures of my sweet babies this week. These are the ones I took last week of my precious baby girl. These set of pictures just make me smile. 

 Are we done yet?

 When Micah is outside, you can really see her red hair.
 Love this picture! I kiss these chubby cheeks a thousand times a day.

 And one of Mason and that sweet smile that melts my heart!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Just Because..

Just because I love to take pictures and I have a precious baby girl who has two teeth coming in. I am going to miss this gummy smile!

Rain Boots..

Mason got some new rain boots the other day, and literally did not take them off for two days. He woke up at 3:30 in the morning crying. I went in there and he said, " I want my rain boots!" He wore them school,  to take a nap, to the grocery store, exploring, and even to bed. This boy loves his rain boots!

 Mason is sharing his blanket with Micah... which is a pretty big deal.
 She copies her brother, and puts it in her mouth.
 Mickey Mouse is much more important.
 Wait... I thought you were sharing.

Sitting up...

Pictures of sweet girl sitting up. I was changing her diaper and Mason took off with her pants. Reason why she only has a shirt on... completely describes our 2 1/2 year old.

 Ok I am tired now...


It is no secret that Halloween is absolutely my least favorite holiday. However, I would have to say Halloween in Boerne is different and in a great way.  Of coarse, I didn't get the kids Halloween costumes because we weren't going to do the whole trick or treat thing. We planned on going out to eat at a restaurant with fun slides so Mason could play. After dinner, we stopped by our friends house in Herff Ranch ( a neighborhood in Boerne.) Everyone was out in their front yards handing out candy, tons of kids and families, and fun costumes. We walked around with the Harpers even though the kids weren't dressed up and had a great time. So next year we will dress up and trick or treat in Herff Ranch:-)

Mason did have to dress up for a birthday party. His best buddy Koen and his family were in town for the weekend for his younger brother's birthday party. Mason was the UPS man ( I borrowed the costume from my sweet friend Mandy). Mason hates to wear hats, but he did wear it backwards because I told him it made the costume. He was so excited to see Koen!