Friday, November 13, 2009

6:00 am practice...

6:00 am... the dreaded practice time in college. On Sunday, we had our own 6:00am practice. Not my choice I promise! Mason was up at 5:30 and by 6:00 am he was already making baskets. Our little guy is getting a head start!

One of the reasons Mason loves to play with this toy is because it talks or cheers when you make a basket. Craig was playing with him, and said, " You have to come see this." Mason figured out how to make the sound without making the basket. He sat like this for at least 5 minutes making it "talk". I love these expressions.

This is a "Hope they don't catch me" expression.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

8 months old...

I think I say this every month, but I can't believe our little guy is 8 months old. Every month I say, "This stage is my favorite." He is growing up into a little boy. He is all over the place and we can't leave him alone. He tries to get into everything. His favorite food is avocadoes. He loves to feel different textures. "Big people" things are his favorites... remote, cell phone, drinks, and magazines. His current favorite toy is his basketball and basketball hoop. (He practices everyday:-) He LOVES his bath and always gets so excited when he sees his daddy. He also has the best smile in the world!..... And moms of little girls watch out, with this look he looks like he might be after your little girl.
This morning I was making his food for the the day, and he was playing with a magazine on the floor. I looked over and he had turned over a box of K-Cups ( coffee) and was playing with them. He was so proud.


This weekend we bought him this so he can walk around everywhere. He still thinks he is supposed to jump. He has figured out how to make it go forward then he is stuck.
Mason doesn't stay in one place long.
Trying to hide from daddy.


Our little guy wanted to help us fold the laundry. Actually we would fold it and he would unfold it

Trying to get his daddy...

Sunday Paper...

Mason and the Sunday paper advertisements... he thought he was in heaven. He would play withe one and another one would catch his eye. He would crawl over to that one, play, and repeat the process over and over. He was talking and squealing. Who knew the paper could bring so much joy to an 8 month old.

1st Halloween...

I didn't realize it had been so long since I have posted pictures. This is definitely my busiest time of year when it comes to taking pictures for clients. Editing is not as easy as it used to be!

We LOVE Saturdays and have so much fun spending the day as a family. I will let Mason tell you about it. I got to wake up my daddy and we played in the covers.
He found me!
I see you daddy!

Mommy finally got me a "big boy" car seat. My feet were hanging off that baby one. I had to try it out to make sure I liked it.... I like it.I played swords with my daddy.
The best part is when we got the mail. I love magazines. I got to play before my bath. Mommy says she doesn't know why she waste money on toys.