Monday, September 22, 2014

Enchanted Springs Ranch..

Earlier in the summer we bought a groupon for Enchanted Springs Ranch in Boerne. It is a Old West Town "amusement" park. We waited to go until it was a little cooler, and for $14 we had quite a fun and adventurous morning. We saw Wild West shows, walked around the old "town", went on an exotic animal adventure, and even took a picture with a longhorn. You can tell it was Aggie gameday. It was some sweet family time that we really enjoyed!

 This little church was adorable!
 Reagan saying "Cheeeese"

 They were all about trying to give her a kiss...

 Reagan telling her siblings to leaver her alone...

 Reagan loved looking at all the animals...
 This might have been her favorite part...playing in the dirt!
 The Aggies on the Longhorn...

PS- Aren't Micah's pigtails adorable???

First day of preschool...

First day of preschool for our sweet girls! Micah didn't want to go, Reagan had no idea, and Mommy was excited to have 5 hours all by herself! After the 1st day, Micah just LOVES it! She adores her teacher Ms.Christi and always ask to go to school. It helps that all her favorite friends are in her class!

Reagan no longer cries when I drop her off, but she doesn't take a nap. They play lullaby music and Reagan just dances in her crib. They tell her to lie down and she does until the teacher turns around, and then starts dancing again. That's our Reagan!

I just love this set of pictures as their personalities emerge...

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Labor day weekend...

On Labor Day weekend we went down to the Valley for the weekend. We had this great idea to leave around 7:30pm and thought all three kids would sleep the entire way. Oh how we were wrong. Reagan cried until 12:00am when we got there. We won't try that again!

However once we were there we had a great time! We got to visit Craig's grandmother, eat Mexican food and PaPa's yummy brisket,and took the big kids to the beach with Uncle Jarrod and Samantha. 

Did you think we got  a dog? While Micah would absolutely love that, this is actually Jarrod and Samantha's dog, Magnus. Micah was in love with him!

 I love this smile!

 We buried Mason...
 and Micah!

First Day of Kindergarten...

The day came where our Mason started Kindergarten. I have to admit I wasn't as sad as I would have been if he would have a different schooling situation. Mason is going to a private school where he goes to school Tuesday and Thursday and we do homework on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Mason absolutely loves it, and this school is such a perfect fit for how God made him. He is learning so much, being challenged, and as he says." I get to do science experiments all the time!" We couldn't be happier with his sweet little school!

First day pancake breakfast...

 Crazy to think this shirt will fit him one day...

 I saw something on pinterest that had you asking your child every year what they wanted to be when they grow up. He said he wants to be a pastor so he can be on stage. Ha!
 Micah covering her ears because Reagan is crying...

 Here we go...
 Outside his classroom...
 Micah missed him for the 2 1/2 weeks he was at school and she was home. She asked all day when we were going to pick him up...

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Happy Birthday Mommy...

I think birthdays get even better as my kids get older!  I have a sweet little boy who did everything he could to make his mommy's birthday the "Best birthday ever!"  A sweet birthday picture where all three of them are smiling... amazing what they will do for cake!:-)
 Birthday dinner date in Gruene at the Gristmill. It had been so long since I have been there and we had the best time. It almost felt like a little vacation for an evening.

 So Mason was all about trying to make my birthday special. He "secretly" asked Ms. Kathryn if she would help him make a cake. She had a promised him an afternoon together so this was the  perfect time to make it. She said he was very involved and loved helping her. After he gave it to me, he said," And we even made real icing like not from a can" can see how his mommy bakes. It was so sweet of Ms. Kathryn to help him love his mommy this way!
 This was my birthday table. They each made a birthday poster for me when a babysitter was here. Craig added the beautiful flowers and a sweet card.
 Then Mason wanted to use the paper we painted as place mats.

They worked hard to love me well, and they did! It was a fun birthday, and I am so thankful to be able to spend it with my family!