Thursday, May 30, 2013

Weekly Appointment...

Now that we have 3 kids, I have had a weekly appointment with the pediatrician. Between well visits, Micah's cough/asthma. and today Reagan's ear infection I have literally been there weekly the past 4 weeks and have to go back next week to finish Reagan's shots.

I took Reagan in today because she has been congested for a week, and yesterday it was getting worse and she wasn't eating well. Sure enough she had an ear infection. He kept asking if she was fussier than normal, and no not this baby. I am praying that she is not on the same ear infection path Mason was on. It seems so early!

On another note, she has gained 10 ounces since we were there last week. Yes our 10 week old weighs 14 pounds!

A couple of pictures I haven't posted of the kids playing in the backyard.

Friday, May 24, 2013


The other day we were at the doctor and Mason told the nurse Nikki, "Ms. Nikki my mom got a new phone. She finally got an IPhone!"... like I was the "not cool" mom who was behind the times. She laughed of coarse.

But he is right in that I did get a new phone, and what is very exciting is that the IPhone does take so much better pictures than my android. And that makes mommy very happy!

We can now take our own pictures of our favorite time on the couch. The definition of a good picture has changed with three kids -  as long as they are all looking forward and in the picture (even if they are cut off a little bit). They sure do make me smile!

 Reagan's second cousin, Aracelli, just loved holding her...
 Reagan just loving her GiGi time...I finally caught her beautiful smile on camera!
 Big brother holding his Reagan.
 Micah blowing bubbles...
 Micah is obsessed with making sure Reagan has her paci...
 Mason said, " Don't worry mom I am taking care of her."
 I am guessing this his how you do Target with three kids?

 Watching big brother and sister playing outside...

 One of my favorite pictures...3 generations.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

2 months...

Our sweet baby girl is already two months old! Everyone keeps asking who she looks like, and here are all three of them at 2 months. I think they all look different! It is crazy to see Mason and Micah this small, they have grown up on me way too fast!

Reagan at two months is in the 95% in height and weight. Which if you  have seen her, it is no surprise. She weighs 13lbs 5 oz and is 24 3/4 inches. She is definitely the longest of the three, and just as good as they were. She rarely cries, and if she does it is because she is really hungry. She is pretty much sleeping through the night, 10:30 - about 6:00. She is really starting to smile and coo, which I just love.

I can see how they say the third child is so easy going. They have to be! This is one well traveled little girl. I am pretty sure with Mason at 2 months I had probably only left the house with him a couple of times. Oh sweet Reagan... in her short life she has been to a wedding, funeral, baptism, Easter service at a week old, two basketball games, girls night, church meetings, pushed in a 3K, Sunday School, Chickfla, small group, the bounce houses,  and I think is feed in the car at least once daily. She has to be a great baby to be able to do all that!  I just can't get enough of our sweet girl!

Sunday, May 19, 2013


I know I am biased but Micah is one pretty little girl, and she has the sweetest personality to go with it. She is often noticed because of her red hair, but her fun loving personality is admired as well. She will come up to me, give me a hug, and say, "Hi Mommy!"
Her favorite things are bubbles, Mason, coloring, Minnie Mouse, and Dora. Oh and of coarse, puppies. Our sweet girl just loves loves loves doggies. She likes her baby sister too! Micah takes a while to warm up to people, so I am not sure why it would be any different with her sister. Every time she sees her she says, "Hi Baby! or Hi Rae Rae" I think she is creating a nickname that is going to stick.
I adore this set of pictures. Micah has some serious bubble blowing skills as I don't think most people can say they can blow bubbles out of their nose!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

4 going on 14...

Oh my Mason! He is 4 going on 14. He is quite the entertainer, and loves attention. You should have seen him dancing and singing at his preschool end of the year program. He wanted to make sure we videotaped him:-)  He loves being a big brother, and just loves on his sisters then gets too rough. He kisses Reagan every chance he gets, and starting at 6:00 when he wakes up he is asking if Micah is awake. I get that repeatedly until about 8:00 when she wakes up. He takes his role as a big brother seriously. Yesterday he told GiGi he has to take care of both his sisters.
Mason loves cantaloupe, queso, and orange juice. His favorite toys are anything Star Wars. Favorite friends to play with at school are Cade and Logan, and he can't wait for June school when they get to go to school in their swim suit and get a popsicle EVERYDAY! Very exciting! His most favorite thing is spending time with his daddy. No matter how much time he gets with him it is never enough. Today he gets a daddy day while the girls and my mom go to a wedding in Austin, and he is beyond excited. You should hear his ambitious list of what he and his daddy are going to do! 
This is Mason and his first swim of the year. It was so cold, but he didn't care. This boy still loves the water! 

 Can we say cold? This face says it all.

 I like his official escort...

Friday, May 17, 2013

Weslaco Visit...

A couple of weeks ago the kids and I drove down to Weslaco for a couple of days. Yes... all three kids, 4 hour drive, all by myself! The kids did great! We went down on Wednesday and Craig came down on Friday. Mason was so excited about getting to go swimming, however, when we got there it was 54 degrees. I am pretty sure it wasn't that cold at Christmas.  The cold weather didn't stop him even though the water was freezing.  We really enjoyed our visit. I even got out a couple of times without kids which was a real treat and nice little break even if it was to HEB:-) Oh and the outlet mall!
Cold water didn't stop him. Let the summer begin!

 Uncle Jarrod has an orange corvette and Mason finally got to drive in it! He was so excited!

 My sweet girl and her bubbles. I just love her!

 After their ride around the lake... Mason said they went real fast. And they probably did!
 We had a little party for Daddy and GiGi as their birthdays were the following week. We took Mason to Bass Pro Shop to buy daddy a gift. He said he was going to buy Craig a gun for his birthday ( like father like son), but he had to settle for targets. He went up to a lady at Bass Pro Shop and said, " Excuse me. These are targets and I am buying them for my dad for his birthday!" He loved being able to pick out his daddy his own special gift.

 One proud little boy...
 GiGi's birthday is the day after Craig's. Mason tried real hard to think of the perfect gift. He wanted to give her a wallet, Lego's, a backpack, a shirt, and a sign. We ended up giving her a charm for her Pandora bracelet... another little girl for Reagan as she already had a Mason and Micah.