Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Movie Night....

Friday Night Movie Night is a favorite at our house. While we don't get to do it every Friday, we try to do it often. This Friday, Craig went hunting, so the kids and I had a movie night. We watched Mason's current favorite movie...Alvin and The Chipmunks Chipwrecked. There is lots of music so lots of dancing going on in our house. Micah dances everytime she hears music. It brings a smile to my face everytime!

This boy ALWAYS wants to wear is pajamas. Every time he is getting ready before we go somewhere, he says, " I get to put my pajamas back on when I get home, right?" He loves to be at home, and has learned if he is in his pajamas he can't go anywhere.
 Caught in the act of dancing. She moved her hips side to side...
 She is getting ready for bed, and is telling the movie "I love you!"...:-)

Friday, July 13, 2012

15 months...

Micah is 15 months, and I have to say her favorite thing is shoes. Really...shoes! All shoes, not just her own. She grabs her shoes of choice (which always match), and brings them to me to put on. When they fall off, she brings them back, sits down, and wants me to put the on again. Her favorite is Mason's running shoes which are at least 5 sizes too big!

I haven't taken her to her checkup. Every time I go to the doctor, it seems like I am there for the next week. I have enjoyed not having to go the last couple of weeks! She is still pretty limited on food, as she can't anything with milk protein or any food that is red. Yet, despite the allergies, she is such a great eater. I am pretty sure she out eats Mason daily. Her favorites include applesauce, peanut butter crackers, edemame, and bananas.

-  loves to read stories. Brings you a book and backs up to sit in your lap so you will read it to her.
-  says dada, ball, rub rub (all the lotion she needs for her skin) , and nana (banana)
- enjoys all kinds of balls and will go make a basket when you ask her to:-)
- will dance anytime she hears music
- will walk up and give her brother kisses
- bath time is one of her favorites...probably because her alone time since we shouldn't bathe them together to help prevent staph infections
-is not a big fan of the swimming pool
- in a size 4 diaper
- gives the best kisses!

 Wearing Mason's shoes...

4th of July,,,

I loved having a holiday in the middle of the week... I am sure people who had to get up and go to work the next day would disagree, but we had a fun family day.  We took Mason to the firework stand to get a couple of fireworks, and I think daddy was just as excited as he was. 

We had a great dinner with Cross family, followed by fireworks in the driveway, and then to Boerne for the fireworks show.  Both kids stayed up until 11 by the time we got home and got them to bed, but it was worth it. Mason said the big fireworks were his favorite part of the day!

Mason and one of his best buddies,Weston.

 Craig set off a ton of blackcats and I thought this little girl would be scared. I was wrong...she was clapping!

 Roman Candles...a favorite for Mason and Weston.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Awesome Sunday...

Today was an awesome day! Sunday School and church where we were early  probably for the first time EVER. Everyone cooperated this morning... no Sunday morning melt down or argument probably because we weren't running late like most Sundays.

Lunch,  3 hour naps for the kids, and a two hour nap for mommy which was so refreshing. (I was going to just lay down for a couple of minutes.) A quick trip to HEB for mommy and Micah, while the boys stayed home and played Cut the Rope on the tablet.

Breakfast tacos for dinner and a movie night...Alvin and The Chipmunks Chipwrecked. 2nd movie night in a row...same movie:-) with popcorn of coarse. Watching our two dance to the music was so precious. Micah went to bed, but Mason, mommy, and daddy had a dance party in our house when it was over. Lots of laughs! Mason said, "All this dancing makes me tired!"

I was messing around with settings on my camera and got a couple of neat pictures. I showed this one to Mason and he said, "That's not me. I don't see my blue eyes."

 I was definitely messing around with settings on this one. Still liked the uniqueness of it...

 She always walks towards me and wants to touch the camera or try to put the lens cap on.
 On of her favorite things to do...climb the stairs...
 She looks to see if the gate is up, if not, she takes off up the stairs as fast as she can...