Thursday, December 31, 2009

Little Hero...

We are finally back at home after a great Christmas in the Valley with both of our families. Mason is our little hero as he did great! He did awesome on our 8 hour drive that took about 10 hours both times. We continually switched back and forth between both parents houses and he slept well. We took him to the doctor to get his flu shot and he even had an ear infection and we didn't even know it! Our families had so much fun with him, and spoiled him tremendously. We didn't think we would be able to get all of his toys back but with some good packing they fit.

As you can imagine I have lots of pictures to edit from the week, but I wanted to share a couple. Just to see some pictures from my last post he has grown so much. Here is Mason in my favorite Christmas pajamas..... What Santa doesn't bring me Grandma will!
Out of all the ornaments on the tree, Mason wanted this one. He pulled it off on Christmas Eve and then found another one on Christmas Day. He wouldn't let us take it out of his hand. He crawled with it everywhere.
This is what happened when we tried to take it away so he could open some of his presents.
I think this is one of the only pictures I have of him actually crying. He never cries, but he was so tired and he wanted his ornament.
He actually has some tears coming down.
My favorite outfit of the week. He wore this for Christmas dinner and looked like a little man!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Mason is at the age where he wants what you have. Anytime we have a drink he wants it. He will crawl all over you until he gets it. When I am drinking coffee it is so hard to try to keep him from crawling all over me. One day I was drinking a Dr.Pepper and he wanted it. I took one out of the refrigerator and let him sit next to me and gave it to him. He thinks he is a big boy drinking a Dr. Pepper like his mommy!
He acts like he is making sure there is still some in there:-).

GiGi was wrapping some presents and he found the box the bows where in.
He was crawling every where holding that bow. Looks like he was trying to put it on the wall.
We had made these fruit gift baskets to give to some friends and Mason couldn't stay out of them. He would untie a bow and mess with the paper, my mom would go over and fix it, only for him to do it again. It was a continuous cycle, but with this sweet face how could we tell him no.
He was looking to make sure GiGi was watching to show her what he did to her pretty basket.

This was from yesterday when we got home from school. I couldn't resist snapping a shot. It is a miracle his hat and socks stayed on all the way home! He loves to take off both.
One of Mason's favorite things to try to do is get into the entertainment center. He usually goes for the cords. Here he found a DVD.
One of my favorite things is to hear Craig read to Mason every night. He is so animated and Mason just loves it. Such a sweet sound!
Mason and I before school this morning. He was quite the center of attention when I dropped him off this morning. All of the other little boys surrounded him and were trying to get his hat. He loved the attention!

1st of many...

Mason got to open some of his Christmas presents last Friday from Daddy Jim and Michelle. The first of many presents I am sure. He had fun in the wrapping paper and as always, was easily distracted. He loves his books especially the furry ones! Thanks so much!
The tag to his pants were very captivating...
One of his new favorite books...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

9 months....

Our little guy is 9 months old and is as fun as ever. We can't wait for his first Christmas. At 9 months, he now has 4 teeth, pulls up on everything and is always into something. When we put him on the floor he immediately heads for the entertainment center or the door stoppers. It is so hard to change him as he wants to turn over and go. We have resorted to strapping him in just to change his diaper! He is still a picky eater, but will always eat his avocadoes. Puffs are his favorite as well and he eats 3 or 4 at a time. Craig and I always seem to talk about how cute he is. I know all parents think that about their children, but we sure do think he is special!

Here are some of my favorites from some pictures I did at the end of November. Since Christmas cards have gone out, I can post them. Some of his expressions just make me laugh. First one is one of my all time favorites!

Thursday, December 10, 2009


All my friends with little ones Mason's age talk about how their baby eat everything, well not ours! He is picky like his mommy when it comes to food. He would much rather eat his puffs or drink milk than eat food. When he doesn't want to eat he just puckers up his lips and won't open his mouth. He even does that with foods he likes.

Last night I was fighting the eating battle trying to get him to eat some yogurt and apples. He kept trying to feed himself so I let him. This is what we ended up with. Believe it or not he ate more than he usually does. He was so distracted with playing in the mess he made, I was able to sneak in some bites.

Mason saying "HI"!
Look at my 4 teeth!
" See I told you I can feed myself!"

He couldn't figure out why his puffs wouldn't come out of his hand. I often find 3 or 4 in his hand at a time. He doesn't settle for just 1.

One happy little boy!
"Ok mommy I am tired! All done!"

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

More of Mason...

Mason loved playing in the grass. He also likes to show off his teeth.

Mason kept trying to pull all of the dogs hair. They didn't like it very much.

Mason and GiGi
Love this picture! Mason and his cousin, Colton