Monday, September 17, 2012

6 week catch up...

I have set a new record for the longest time I have gone without blogging and posting pictures. I am thankful for my phone and the not-so-great quality pictures that remind me of some of the fun things we did the last 6 weeks. So her goes my catch up post...
At the end of July, I did my second wedding in two weeks in Burleson. I finished editing the 1st one pretty quickly...still working on the second. We enjoyed the end of our summer with fun play dates and trips to the Orange place as Mason calls it. Did I mention we found out Mason and Micah will have another sibiling which means mommy was on the couch sick for six weeks. Micah had to go back to the hospital and have another surgery, Mason and Micah danced with Elvis, Mason told me tonight he wants to name the baby Larry, we painted a firetruck, and took a fun family vacation to South Padre, and both started Mother's day out at the church.
Mason's new thing is science. He asks to do a science project every day. 
One of a kind...
They both enjoy their stories... Micah has learned to try to stall going to bed by asking for more storied or food...
Contagious smile...
A favorite to spell words...and yes, he does this all by himself. He always spells five words because he has 5 vowels.

Painting a firetruck at the pottery place... there is not another like it!

Micah's favorite toys...balls, tools, and blocks.
Mommy and Micah date to Panera Bread...the first of many.
We let her have some spaghetti which she loves even though she is not supposed to have anything red. 
One tired little boy after a mommy day at the beach.
Mason took this picture in the doctor's office...future photographer? We went to the doctor 4 times the week Micah ended up in the hospital.

Sweet girl after surgery... 
We were both struggling...we would lay on "my bed" and watch tv and eat saltine crackers.

She did great in the hospital despite the circumstances...praying we don't have to do this again!

Mason sharing his ice cream with Micah. Hard to take her to the ice cream place and tell her she can't have it. Luckly they have some lactose free ice cream which happens to be Mason's favorite...pineapple. 

 I had a birthday...not very eventful because I felt so bad.
Fun celebration with family for my Uncle James's 60th birthday. Micah danced for over an hour as Elvis played.
 Mason dancing like Elvis...
 Micah and her GiGi...great picture!

 My non-napper on the way to the beach..
 This one wakes up so early he always takes a nap...
Strong girl...
After school treat...
 Grape slush....
Decided to take Micah to get her first haircut after preschool one day. 
 Pretty girl...

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