Micah is 15 months, and I have to say her favorite thing is shoes. Really...shoes! All shoes, not just her own. She grabs her shoes of choice (which always match), and brings them to me to put on. When they fall off, she brings them back, sits down, and wants me to put the on again. Her favorite is Mason's running shoes which are at least 5 sizes too big!
I haven't taken her to her checkup. Every time I go to the doctor, it seems like I am there for the next week. I have enjoyed not having to go the last couple of weeks! She is still pretty limited on food, as she can't anything with milk protein or any food that is red. Yet, despite the allergies, she is such a great eater. I am pretty sure she out eats Mason daily. Her favorites include applesauce, peanut butter crackers, edemame, and bananas.
- loves to read stories. Brings you a book and backs up to sit in your lap so you will read it to her.
- says dada, ball, rub rub (all the lotion she needs for her skin) , and nana (banana)
- enjoys all kinds of balls and will go make a basket when you ask her to:-)
- will dance anytime she hears music
- will walk up and give her brother kisses
- bath time is one of her favorites...probably because her alone time since we shouldn't bathe them together to help prevent staph infections
-is not a big fan of the swimming pool
- in a size 4 diaper
- gives the best kisses!
Wearing Mason's shoes...