Friday, July 25, 2014

July 21, 2014...

On Monday night, I was praying for Mason as I put him to bed. I prayed, "that one day he would ask Jesus into His heart and accept Him as his personal Savior." and after I was done, Mason said, " I did that the other night. I believe in Jesus and asked him into my heart." I went and got Craig, and we had such a sweet conversation with our Mason.

We talked to him, and he said he wanted to pray and make sure. He said, "Jesus will you come into my heart." talked to us a little bit and prayed," Forgive me for my sins and bad choices. Thank you for dying on the cross." We both followed by praying for him, and as Craig prayed Mason whispered into his ear, "Tell God to find me a good wife" and so Craig prayed for that too. It was such a special time, and we are so thankful that we were both there as he made the most important decision of his life. A day we will never forget!

Dear Mason,
Oh my sweet boy! I knew this day would come! Your love for the bible and God's word has brought you to a point where you have asked Jesus into your heart. I pray that God uses you in might ways, that you are a man after His own heart, and you follow hard after Him. Mason you are a gifted young man, and God will use you to bring others to know Him. Even tonight you asked us if you could make a video to tell others about Jesus.  I can't wait to see your faith grow and how you will be an example to so many. God has big plans for you Mason Craig Bellamy, and I am so thankful I get to be apart of it! I am so proud of you Mason! "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he he with me." Revelation 3:20.... You opened the door!
Love, Mom

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