Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Mason loves to eat...

This week Mason had his two week doctor's appointment. He weighed 8 lbs 10oz and left the hospital at 7 lbs. So needless to say, he likes to eat. He was in the 50% in height, weight, and head size. The doctor said everything looked great.

Today, we had to go get his two week screening where they prick his heel to draw some blood. He didn't like that much as he cried and pee'd all over the table. However, his unhappiness didn't last long.

Mason is still doing great. We trying to get into a routine, and just enjoying every minute with our sweet boy. Here are a couple of recent pictures. I hope to take some more in tomorrow or Friday.

Everyone says Mason looks so big in pictures, so hopefully this will give you a little perspective. He looks so tiny in his car seat. Once again, you have to love his expressions.

It was surprisingly cold this morning, but he looked so cute all bundled up!

How about his expression? I finally wanted a picture with our sweet boy, and this is the expression I get. This would be Mason giving us a dirty diaper!


  1. He's growing so much! I'm so relieved he's been a good eater - it sounds like he's going to be a pretty easy-going guy. :) Hope you're getting some sleep!

    Oh, and that last picture cracked me up!

  2. Chantel, he is precious! Oh I love the newborn stage... love it! And the last picture of you and him, is SO sweet! You look great... you don't look tired at all! What's your secret ;)
