Monday, April 13, 2009

The Happiest Baby on The Block...

While I was pregnant, a friend recommended that I read this book called " The Happiest Baby on the Block." It was definitely the most beneficial book that I read. It basically teaches you how to soothe your baby within minutes by mimicing the babies environment while they were in your womb. It is amazing! I can soothe Mason so quickly if he gets fussy where other wise I really wouldn't know what to do. A reason I believe we get plenty of sleep besides the fact that he is a good baby!

The first step is to swaddle. As I have explained before, Mason loves to be swaddled and can't sleep without being all wraped up. The other day I unwrapped Mason from his swaddle blanket to see if he would stay asleep without it. Within a minute of taking pictures, his hands and arms were in a number of different positions. He definitely wakes himself. It was quite entertaining!


  1. I swaddled my last two kids and should have swaddled my first (she co-slept, that is another story entirely LOL).

    My fave thing to do was swaddle them and then put them in the swing, with a paci in their mouths. That always put them right to sleep :)

  2. Oh, how I wished this would have worked with Morgan! She just hated being bound up - she practically pounced out of me and breathed a sigh of relief to be free to move about. :)
