Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Birth Story..

Everyone is right when they say that no two pregnancies or deliveries are the same! The experience with Micah was completely different than Mason. The last two weeks have been tough with pressure and contractions so I gave in to being induced. We went in on Monday night to start the process. To make a long experience short, Micah's heart rate would drop every time I had a contraction so I had to sit up with oxygen once the labor process started. Once I got ready to deliver I quickly realized the epideral was not working every where which made the final stages of delivery very painful!!! I only pushed for 15 minutes because I was in so much pain and just wanted to get it over with.

When Micah came out the umbilical cord was very tight around her neck and she was purple. They quickly realized she had fluid in her lungs and that her heart rate kept dropping. I could tell something was wrong but they would not really give me an answer and just kept saying she was fine until they brought in a NICU doctor.

They explained she had fluid in her lungs and she needed to be monitored in the NICU. One of the ways this pregnancy was different was that I was really worried that she would not be healthy, and telling me they were taking her to the NICU in a sense confirmed my worries. My hormones were already messed up, but this didn't help. I was so worried, but Craig was amazing and completely believed she would be ok. Craig was so strong, and encouraging and helped me believe she would be fine.

I prayed and prayed, and asked many of our friends to pray. They finally brought her back to us about 4:00 ( I had her at 12:15), and said she was doing great. A tremendous relief and answer to prayer! I was also worried she wouldn't nurse because I couldn't feed her right away, but she has no problems in area of nursing. Another answer to prayer! A stressful and difficult time especially after a challenging delivery, but God was faithful and saw us through. I know it could have been so much worse, and that so many people have much more difficult situations than that. We are so blessed!

These are from when she was first born, and then they took her to the NICU so these are all we got for th 1st couple of hours.

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