Wednesday, September 23, 2009


A couple of years ago, we were in Canada with one of my good friends Julie and her family. We were out and her son who was around 3 at the time asked if he could jump in a big puddle of water. I thought for sure she would say no, but much to my surprise Julie said yes. I remember her saying, " Sometimes you have to let boys be boys." She said we are going home, he is going to take a bath any way, and him jumping around in the puddle isn't going to hurt anything. I learned a valuable lesson that day. Even though Mason is still so young, I often find myself thinking of opportunities to let him be a boy.

On Saturday, he kept trying to grab his applesauce. He was about to have a bath, so I thought this would be a great chance to let him make a mess. He had so much fun! Thanks Julie for the great lesson years ago!

Love this expression!
All done mommy!

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